Saturday, January 3, 2015

Picture 21

Why do I have a picture of my bed for day 21, you ask?  Good question.  The answer is because that is where I spent most of the day.  I normally go to Zumba every Saturday, that didn't happen.  I did have plans to go to a friend's house for lunch.  I went, but didn't stay too long.  I had a horrible cold.  I get colds a couple of times a year, but this one hit me hard.  I got home from lunch and went to bed and spent most of the day there sleeping, reading, and watching TV.  It was not terribly fun, but it did help as I felt a little better the next day.  The random doll on the bed is a Christmas decoration.  I only have two Christmas decorations in my bedroom and that is one of them.  The rest of the house makes up for the lack of holiday spirit in the two bedrooms.  I was NOT posting a picture of me sick in bed so you'll have to settle for the bed instead. 

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I had no decorations in our bedroom. Elliott had a little tree in his because he got it in the hospital when he was born. Other than that tree our bedrooms are decorations free.