Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 6

OMG, I am the worst blogger.  You'd think 30 pics in 30 days would be easy enough, but instead life gets in the way and it's turning into 30 pictures in 60 days.  Oy vangy.  Better late than never though, right?  So here is picture 6 from last Friday.  Why, you may ask, do I have a picture of a clock?  Because that's what time I went to bed.  For some people that's probably a normal hour on a Friday, but for me that is early.  I was exhausted.  The week caught up to me.  I try to get to bed by 10:30 on work nights, but that didn't happen last week so come Friday when in theory I could stay up late, instead I crashed.  I was struggling to stay awake at 8:00 that night.  Ugh.  When did I get so old?  :-p

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