Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Why I've been MIA

Did you like how I said I would have more time to blog and then I disappeared?  Nice huh?  Well, I can assure you it was not on purpose.  My computer broke!  Thankfully, unlike some other broken things around here, it was still under warranty.  Is it just me or do things seem to break all at once?  We'll get to that later.  Let's start with the computer.  It was really slow one night after it allegedly made some updates, but such is life.  The next day I tried to turn it on.  Nothing happened.  Tried a few more times then gave up.  Tried again the next day and still no luck so I called the customer service number.  45 minutes later--yeah, I was late for my dance class, it was still not working after following all of their suggestions.  Long story short, they told me where to get it fixed and just under  two weeks later all is well. Yay!  It was kind of annoying not having a computer--remember the days before we had computers?  But I got through it.  I'm sure glad to have it back though. 
Also, annoying, but maybe not as annoying or maybe more so depending how you look at it, was not having a functional dryer.  It could be worse though.  At least I could wash my clothes and air dry them.  I do that with a few items of clothing anyway.  A couple of years ago, my washing machine was broken.  That was worse because I had to go elsewhere to wash the clothes.  The other stuff was minor--one of the closet doors is broken.  It's functional, but some day when we can nicely ask a friend with a truck to help us, we'll get a new one as a new door will not fit in my car or my husband's car.  My ice dams are finally gone so the "joys" those brought seem to have passed.  Now it's on to finding long term solutions so they don't cause problems in the future.  And of course the car, always the car.  I think I was due for a car issue anyway.  I guess I need new struts.  Mine are leaking.  Let's not talk about how much that will cost.  Let's just say my husband and I really wanted to go to Italy (maybe me more than him since he's been there before), but we couldn't really afford to go when I wanted to (August) so we didn't book it.  But we came close.  I finally convinced him we should do it, he said we'd be broke, but fine, he'd go because he knew I really wanted to go.  I finally did the math and good thing I didn't book the trip since we've had all these unexpected expenses.  Isn't growing up fun?  But at least the computer works now, and the dryer, and with a little luck (and the sound of me crying as I empty my checking account) in another week or so I will get my struts fixed.  Sometimes I want to move to a city with public transportation and not have to deal with cars anymore.  But then I remember how cold waiting for public transportation can be in the winter. In them mean time I guess I can always dream about Italy... 

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