Monday, October 25, 2010

What Should I Be?

I'm going to a Halloween party on Friday and I'm struggling to find a costume. I was trying to find something funny or cute. To date my best costume was a leprechaun a few years ago. I've been peeking around on-line and at the stores and I've seen stuff I like, but a lot of it is expensive. Call me cheap, but I can't justify spending $50 on a costume I'll wear once, maybe twice in my life. Although I have spent two to three times that much on bridesmaid dresses that I only wear once, so maybe I'm a hypocrite. Anyway, I had it narrowed down to Super Woman, Little Red Riding Hood, or a candy corn. I finally decided on the candy corn and went on-line to order it and it was sold out. So I thought well, maybe Super Woman, but all they had left was a plus size. And I looked at Red Riding Hood again, but it's not doing it for me. So the search begins again.

1 comment:

jess said...

aaaaaw, candy corn would have been adorable! what about JEM or rainbow bright or some other totally awesome 80's throw back? omg... my little pony?! that could be super, super cute!