Thursday, January 20, 2011

Try Not To Think About Elephants

Is it just me or do you find the more people tell you not to think about something or the harder you try not to think about something, the more you end up THINKING about it instead of NOT thinking about it??? Like normally, I wouldn't think about elephants, but as soon as you tell me not to think about elephants, suddenly, that's all I can think of. Zoos, words that start with the letter e, jungles, or anything else elephant-related suddenly pop into my head. Okay, so that's a silly example since this blog has nothing to do with elephants, but I think I just thought of a title for today's blog, but I digress.

When I get my annual physical, my doctor has me get lab work too. As you're probably aware you're supposed to fast for 12 hours before you have lab work done. Normally, I try to get that done in the morning before work, but not this year...Last year the lab was so late taking me that I was a lot later for work than I thought I'd be (thankfully I didn't get in trouble) and I get stressed beingn late. Additonally, since I had to leave work early for the doctor's appointment the following week, I didn't feel comfortable asking if I could come in late one day and leave early a few days later. So I decided I would just go after work, around 4ish. So the night before, I had a lateish dinner then had a snack at 9:00pm and went to bed between 10 and 11. Got up and got ready, skipped breakfast and went to work. I did fine until snack time. Then I kept staring at my student's food, thinking how great it looked (normally I see what they have, but think nothing of it). Then at lunch time, I saw two of my colleagues in the hall with their lunches and I was so intrigued by their lunches I kept staring at them like they had something amazing. Thankfully, they didn't notice. They may have thought I was crazy (well, crazier than they all ready know I am anyway). Then when I had a meeting, two of my colleagues brought their lunch and I kept staring and thinking wow, that looks so good. What a nice lunch, etc. And then I couldn't get food off of my brain. "How many hours 'til I can eat? I'm so hungry. Look at that piece of candy on my desk. " So instead I drank water like it was going out of style, which made for some uncomfortable moments as in my profession you can't always go to the bathroom when you need to and may have to hold it for a while (sorry, you probably didn't want to know that). Post-lab I haven't given a second thought to anyone else's lunch or snack, but as soon as you tell me I can't eat again, I'm going to be suddenly interested in your meal. In the mean time, try not to think about elephants. :)

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