Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Problem Solved--I HOPE

After my minor neuroses (sp?) yesterday, I've been told my car is really fixed this time. The people were nice about it, found the problem right away, and said the leak was so small they were surprised it even showed up enough for the check engine to come on. Here's hoping they are right. You know how some people are petrified of snakes? Elevators (I'm serious, I once knew a girl who would not get on an elevator)? Various other things? Well, that's kind of how I get with cars due to my expensive previous car problems. That and I'm a bit of a spazz, but especially with anything car related. So perhaps now I can get back to blogging about other ridiculous things like whether or not to try to be a vegan again, my continued home-owning updates (we'll need to review the first year since we are approaching the one year anniversary, perhaps that'll be a good one for the 100th blog), etc. Until then, have a good one!

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