Monday, August 29, 2011


Are there any words you don't like? The other day as I was getting ready to go in to work (yes, to work on a my day off, lovely huh?), I had "Regis and Kelly" on for a few minutes and Jimmy Fallon was on. He happened to mention that he does not like the word moist. Lightbulb goes on and...a blog idea! I don't necessarily have any strong feelings about the word moist, but there are some words I dislike.

Thorough--I think this stems from the fact that when I was a kid and it was my turn to clean the kitchen, my dad always said to do a thorough job cleaning it about 8000 times.

Potty-- I don't know why it irritates me, but it does, especially when adults say it in an annoying little voice.

caca--I knew an adult who regularly used this word around her child, really, can't you just say go the bathroom?

inflammable--I don't so much have a problem with the word as the definition, flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. Doesn't it sound like they should be opposites?

idear--it's IDEA, not idear, there is no r

ant--as in my Ant Lucy (and no I don't have an Ant Lucy). Ant is an insect, it's aunt (but yes, I get that if I lived elsehwere, I would probably say ant, however, since I live here it's aunt).

So what words annoy you?

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I hate when people call kids kiddos. I never do it. I also don't like the phrase "pop of color" when talking about decorating.