Monday, June 24, 2013

A Month Late

So "yesterday" a.k.a. a month ago, I said I would put up the pictures from Day 5 of my trip (after I charged my camera battery) and then life got in the way.  I charged the battery, but never posted the pictures so here are some of them a month late (and two months after the trip).  Enjoy!  Many are from a museum we went to.  Some are from my friend's place and the one of Ginger (the dog) and me is because I posed with her in a similar pose several years ago.  While we were unable to retake the picture at the same location we did the best we could with my posing.  If I were as good as my friend, I'd give you the comparison shot from 2010 and now, but I don't have that picture handy. 


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