Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One Final (at least for this month) Post on Chocolate

So have you been wondering how I did with my (mostly) chocolate-free Lent?  Oh, yes, I'm "sure" you've been losing sleep waiting to hear the results.  Someone told me you can cheat on Sundays so I "might" have had a brownie one Sunday during Lent (but only one Sunday).  Other than that, I was successful.  You are fully aware that I cheated twice--St. Patrick's Day party food and wedding food tasting.  Otherwise, I was a good girl and mind you it was pretty darn hard on the last day.  The Saturday night before Easter, my fiancé and I went out.  He ordered dessert, which was a brownie sundae, which he could not finish.  He offered me some and given that Lent was ending in FOUR hours I was tempted.  I even tried to rationalize that in several time zones it was no longer Lent, but alas I was a good girl--close call, but I didn't eat the brownie.  I was so excited to eat chocolate on Easter (yes, I have problems, I know) that I had a slice of cookie cake and a brownie and sadly, they weren't that good.  (The brownie was a cute Easter brownie, thank you Pinterest).  I thought perhaps I'd made the recipe wrong--my fiancé would tell me if the brownies did not taste good--don 't get me wrong, he's a wonderful person, but he likes his brownies, if something were wrong, I'd know.  But he (and everyone else) enjoyed them just fine thank you.  Well, after six weeks of (mostly) no chocolate, chocolate just didn't taste as great to me as it used to.  In fact the sweet I enjoyed the most was the Monkey bread I put out with the appetizers--let's just say I didn't log my calories that day (yeah, I had a piece of Mom's non-chocolate bunny cake too--it's shaped like a bunny, don't go thinking I started eating bunnies and that was yummy as always).  Between Easter and the cake tasting the following day, I do believe I need to give up chocolate again to recover from those two days.   

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I have that same thought every night before I am going to be on a "break" the next day. I'm like, what does it matter, I'm going to eat 20,000 calories tomorrow anyway. I might as well have this now. But in 11 months I never have given in. So, that's good at least. Ha ha.