Sunday, April 6, 2014

Quote 'Em On It

Funny quotes from the past couple of weeks:

It's my sister's birthday today.
Oh, nice, how old is she?
Um, she's either 13 or 100, I forget.

Well, when we show up to go over our results, I'm afraid they might not let us get married.
M accidentally checked off the box that says "Unsure" to the question"your partner has a problem with drugs."
He thought it said does not apply instead of unsure. (um, yeah, there may be a future blog post about this one). 

What's that thing on your chin?
A zit (she says as she turns bright red).
A zit?  Oh, well, are you going to do anything about that?
Um, maybe wear make up to work more than 11 days a year.  Hopefully, it'll go away in a few days.
I think my brother had a zit in his ear once.  He had it cut out.  Maybe you can just cut it off your chin.

What did you draw?
Yes, it said to draw something heavy so I drew you.

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