Friday, January 4, 2013

Picture 3 Dec. 16th

Dec. 16th, I did my annual holiday meal with two friends from college (we usually do dinner, but had to do lunch this year due to busy schedules, I guess I'm mostly to blame, but it turned out to be for the best because it started snowing that day and the roads were a mess by late afternoon so I wouldn't have wanted to go out that night).  Then I did a little holiday shopping (and the roads started getting snowy and slippery so I was a wreck, but thankfully, NO accidents, though there were a few scary moments).  Anyway, due to bad roads, I only did a little shopping then came home and our holiday plans including to look at holiday lights with another couple were postponed so this is all an excuse for why I didn't take a good pic that day. Instead here is the ol' holiday stand by, a picture of my Christmas tree.  At the top, you might be able to see the angel I bought in Iceland.  :-) 

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