Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Little Willpower

For the most part, I have been successful in my vegan week attempt, but that has largely been because I planned and shopped accordingly.  Well, day 5, my fiancé had an errand to run after work and there is a restaurant he likes near where the errand was.  He asked if I wanted to go out to dinner.  Normally, such a thing would thrill me, but instead I peeked at the menu and the only vegan thing on it wasn't anything I liked.  So instead we ran the errand, then  he ordered a pizza and I had my rice.  I was so close to being done with vegan week, I couldn't quit now.  Willpower.  I also found out Sun Chips were vegan (not all flavors, but one kind I like is) and enjoyed some of those.  I peeked at a few other restaurants in the area, and really there aren't a lot of options for vegans, which makes me wonder, do they not eat out a lot?  Do restaurants make special stuff that they just don't post on their on-line menus?  I really don't know.   I don't know if there are any vegan restaurants in the area.  I know they exist, but not sure if they are close by. 
On an unrelated note, most sweets that I enjoy are not vegan, but I broke down and had Oreos this week.  (They are vegan!).  I'm not usually a big Oreo fan and truth be told, I rarely have them in the house.  However, I do like Oreo balls (you mash up Oreos, mix them with cream cheese, roll them into balls, then dip them in chocolate--they are delish).  I made Oreo balls for a friend's birthday a few weeks ago and had one unopened roll of Oreos left so I gave in to my sweet tooth and had two.   

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I LOVE oreos. I could eat an entire package and I am in awe that you could stop at 2!