Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Fake Vegan Day 2

So Monday night was easy enough since I didn't start eating vegan until dinner.  Tuesday was an all day affair.  I had a close call, but I succeeded.  Breakfast is easy because there are vegan bagels and though I love cream cheese, I can easily swap it out for vegan friendly apple butter or peanut butter and a glass of juice.  Lunch isn't bad either because I usually have a salad.  I just sadly had to give up my honey mustard dressing and croutons.  And I've been eating pita chips and hummus lately so that wasn't a problem.  And I had some grapes too.  Later in the day though someone came by with delicious looking frosted brownies.  I REALLY wanted one, BUT (be proud people!) I found some will power and said no thank you.  Maybe there's hope for me yet.  Snack time=banana, more pita chips, and hummus.  Dinner=the leftover veggie pizza and yes, sadly, a few more pita chips and hummus (I think I've replaced my sugar addiction with pita chips and hummus).  And I've been drinking water instead of my usual milk at dinner.  Overall, not a bad day, but I ate way too many pita chips--put me over my daily calorie count.  I can't believe I just bored you with a post about everything I ate.  You may never want to read my blog posts again.  Maybe for the rest of the week, I'll try to sum things up instead or throw in some wedding talk or a funny story.  Speaking of weddings, I have my first dress fitting in a few weeks so maybe that'll inspire me to keep eating healthy.  I'm home from work today on a snow day (Wednesday as this won't post 'til tomorrow) so I'm hoping to do some honeymoon research and peek on-line for shoes for the big day.  That's about it for wedding news right now.  We're at the 6 month mark now though.  Woohoo!       

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I was wondering what you were up to on Wednesday after you left all those comments. It seemed out of the ordinary for the middle of the day in the middle of the week.