Saturday, August 12, 2017

Day 3: An Enjoyable (and Tiring) First Day in Germany

Once we'd all gone through customs, gotten our luggage, and made bathroom and ATM stops we headed to the part of the airport where the trains arrive.  We'd be taking a train to Nuremberg in an hour or so.  We all mostly hung out and got coffee (or in my case water, since I do not like coffee).  I read on the train for a little while, then managed to get a little bit of sleep before we arrived in Nuremberg.  Upon arrival, we had some time to get lunch at the train station.  After that, we took cabs to our hotel where we had about an hour and a half to ourselves.  I attempted to power nap then showered, changed, and attempted to make myself look presentable--not an easy task when one is up all night.  Our first stop was the Documentation Center and the Nazi Party Rally Grounds.  Our tour guide was great, but we were so tired and I got really hungry towards the end of the tour.  Next we had some time to explore the Documentation Center on our own.  It was interesting--I enjoyed the exhibits--but also depressing to think of the sheer number of people who died during the holocaust.  

Around 6, we headed to dinner.  I had some sort of pasta dish.  It was pasta made with eggs, which I'd never had before, but apparently, isn't uncommon.  I enjoyed it very much.  It had cheese on it too.  The drink choices were soda and beer.  I forgot to mention it was a beer garden type restaurant.  Anyway, I don't like soda or beer, but when in Germany... They had a drink called a Raddler and it is basically beer mixed with lemonade.  Apparently, it's similar to what we call a shandy, which I tried for the first time at the end of February.  It wasn't bad.
   Dinner was delicious (dessert was nibbles of apple pie and cheese cake), but I confess, I was so happy to be done and go back to the hotel because I was exhausted.

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