Friday, April 26, 2013

Visiting "Famous" Places and a Vacation of Food

So as I wrote in my last blog post, I recently went to Arizona to visit a friend.  The first day I got there was kind of low key, which was fine with me since I'd been up since before sunrise in order to catch my flight.  My friend who I visited has a blog and unlike mine a lot of people read hers.  She's semi-famous (okay I may have made the famous part up, but she has a lot of followers).  Her blog is great and she often writes about things in her house so I felt like I was visiting a historic site or something because I kept seeing objects, rooms, etc., I'd read about in her blog.  It's like when you see a famous place on tv or read about it in a tour book and then you go there.  Anyway, the theme of this vacation was too much food and that began right away on my first day.  Natalie's cousin (who I'd actually met the last time I was out there) was having a party at her house so there was a bunch of food out when I got there and as I'd been up for 12 hours and only had a bagel, the standard mini peanuts and pretzel bags they serve on the plane I was starving.  Natalie had made me special blondies too.  Delicious!  Despite eating all this great food, we still went out for Mexican food later (also good).  And not too much later I crashed.  It had been a long day (mainly because of my crazy flight plan) filled with good food.   

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