Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm Not Going to Complain About the Snow

A friend/blog friend/friend's cousin (which one is pc?)--recently wrote a blog in letter form discussing various things (by letters I don't mean a b c, I mean Dear X--you know like we used to do in the days before text messages, e-mail, etc, I love e-mail, etc, but secretly, I kind of miss getting real letters). I loved it! I kind of wanted to steal her idea, but I don't want to be a thief or plagarize--I know that's not spelled correctly, but I'm too lazy to look it up. Over the past few days I haven't had anything big to blog about, just random little things. Okay, let's face it, I don't usually have anything big to blog about, but you know what I mean. That and work was busy and consumed much of my life even when I wasn't actually at work. So if I were the stealing type, I would steal her idea, but since I'm not, I'm just going to whine for a few minutes...
Now I know you're probably all sick of people complaining about the snow so I'm not going to complain about the snow. Nope, instead I'm just going to say that the news has turned me into a crazy person. Every time I put it on there seems to be another roof collapse. Fortunately, I "never" worry (and by never I mean I think I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder b/c no normal person should worry this much, and I don't just mean the roof, I worry about the stranged things way too often), so the other night after watching the news right before bed (bad idea) I didn't spend any time wondering if my roof could handle all the snow. Nor did any time I heard a noise (which was 99% of the time the heat) did I think is that my roof? And I most certainly did not ask MC to go to Home Depot or Lowes to buy a roof rake. And when he called to tell me they were sold out, I didn't call various hardware stores to ask if they had any only to be told by one store that the closet one was a four hour drive from me. And after hearing that I definitely didn't go on-line and check a few places to find out that those sites were sold out too. And when I've been driving to work/the gym/the grocery store, I certainly haven't been staring at anyone's roof trying to compare their roof snow to mine. And this morning I wasn't outside at 9am with MC raking my roof with a roof rake we borrowed from someone. I've never used a roof rake before today. It is kind of cool. It's also hard work, I mean it just gets heavy. Couldn't reach all the snow, but MC got a lot of it off the roof and then I got to shovel it up the all ready too tall to see around snowbanks. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the ice off, but the news claims some of it'll melt tomorrow--after tonight's snowstorm that is. Here's hoping...
And don't worry I won't complain about the fact that thanks to all the snow banks it's hard to see when you're trying to turn from one street to another--I find myself praying a lot and thanking God the brakes work. And I won't whine because the snow banks took up my usual parking spot at my tutoring job--or the spots next to me. And of course they didn't take away a row and then some of parking spaces at the gym.
Aren't you glad I didn't complain about the snow?
While, I'm "not complaining" about things, would now be a good time to mention that I looked up some symptoms on WebMD the other night--bad idea. I mean the site is great in that it gives lots of information, but for a worrywart like me, it was a bad idea, but that's a story for another time...Enjoy the weekend!


jess said...

um... if you are referring to moi, you should feel free to letter blog away, it's like, public domain! :)

i am bitching about the snow 24/7. the snow, and ice, can kiss my frozen ass. i'm so over it. moving back to california has NEVER sounded more appealing that is has this winter.

california's warm
it hardly ever snows there
want to come with me?

Cat said...

YES! Let's go...well, after this weekend as it's supposed to be okay temp wise the next two days.