Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Last Few Venues

As we were looking at the places I'd mentioned previously, I'd also been in contact with some other places via e-mail. One place NEVER responded, even after several attempts, so I just assumed they didn't want my business and stopped trying. At another place, the woman was lovely, we e-mailed back and forth a few times to set up a date, and finally I thought we were getting somewhere and I never heard from her again. I don't know if one of our e-mails got lost in cyber-space or what, but I can't really afford that place anyway so maybe it's for the best. Another place sent me the info I requested, but when I e-mailed them twice re: questions/seeing the venue, NO response. So I gave up on them too. Too bad because their food is good, maybe they'd be good for a rehersal dinner--if I can actually get ahold of them. I did ask one other place for info per the suggestion of my Dad, but the place is too far away. They did send me info in a timely manner though. During the late spring, we looked at four more places.  Honestly, we liked them all.  Two were hotels, and one was a beautiful place that hosted weddings, functions, etc.  Another was a function hall that was also quite scenic.  A few people did suggest some other places to us and I peeked on-line, but by this time we'd seen 11 places in person, researched a few more on-line and it was time to narrow down the location not look at more places (plus some of the suggested places were out of our price range, honestly, everything is out of our price range, but these were extra out of our price range, one place I saw on-line looked more affordable, but I wasn't a huge fan of the set up, plus it might be a little tight if  all of our guests actually made it--and yes, I know that rarely happens)).  So now it was time to bring out the chart and start weighing pros, cons, and costs. 

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