Sunday, March 31, 2013

An Assortment of Green/Irish Foods

I hosted my annual St. Patrick's Day parties this past weekend, yes, parties as in two.  I had one for my friends on Friday night and one for the family (and future in-laws) on Sunday.  The theme was green food and Irish food.  So for appetizers we had green grapes, kiwi, green apples, and Irish fruit dip (vanilla pudding mix, milk, Cool Whip, and Bailey's).  I also bought green veggies (cucumbers, celery, broccoli, and even though they're not green, I included carrots) and dip, Tostitos and Spinach and artichocke dip, and at the friends party potato skins.  Oh, and I almost forgot, I made a cheese ball shaped like a shamrock--at least it was SUPPOSED to be shaped like a shamrock, it was a little deformed (you put scallions on top of the shamrock so it looks more shamrock like).  I made Irish soda bread, crockpot potato soup (which was a hit at both parties), and Irish broccoli pie (I'm not sure what makes it "Irish" I think just because it's green???).  At the family party I also made Irish egg and potato salad.  My homemade desserts included:  cupcakes with green sprinkles (My mom brought green cupcakes to the family party), Irish chocolate balls, Irish cheesecake, shamrock-shaped sugar cookies, and green chocolates shaped like shamrocks.  At the friends party I made St. Patrick's Day punch (lemonade, limeade, rum, sprite, and green sherbert).  In other words this is the reason why I did NOT make any new dishes last week.  Next year I need to remember to take pictures of all this food! 

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