Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Back to Reality

I've traveled nationally and internationally before and thankfully, I've never had TOO much trouble with jet lag.  Usually just a day or two--actually, I forgot about my honeymoon to Hawaii.  I guess I did have a bit of jetlag with that, but that was my own fault.  I could have made more of an effort to go to bed before 2am when I got home.  A few days later, I was back on track.  Anyway, this trip, I definitely felt the time difference when I got home. I love my sleep, but I am a night owl more than a morning person.  I often get my second wind when I should be going to bed.  In an ideal world, I would go to bed at 12 or 12:30 and sleep until 8:30 or 9:30.  The night I got home from my trip, I went to bed at 9:30.  When my husband's alarm went off long before sunrise, I woke up and instead of rolling over and going back to sleep I attempted to have a conversation with him--just because I was awake and ready to roll at that early hour did not mean he was.  I tried to go back to sleep after he left for work, but didn't have much luck.  The next day I got up at 6am, had breakfast, puttered around for a bit, then went back to bed only to be woken by my phone ringing at 8am asking if I could come in to work to fill in for someone for the day.  I did.  Aside from that, I was pretty lazy the rest of the week.  I did a lot of laundry, some housecleaning, read a bit, watched tv, worked out, and ran an errand or two, but not much else at all.  I visited my parents on Friday and went out with some friends on Friday night and Saturday night.  The following week I was pretty much back on track.  I stayed up until between 11 and 12, slept until between 8 and 9 and saw various friends nearly everyday.  Yeah, instead of doing nothing that week, I think I did too much.  Lunch with a fried on Monday, had friends over for dinner on Tuesday, went out with two former co-workers/friends on Wednesday afternoon, dinner with friends on Thursday, lunch with a friend on Friday, and dinner with friends on Friday night.  Oh yeah, then a bachelorette party Saturday night and a cook-out Sunday.  And then I wonder why the number on the scale is so high.  UGH!  I do have a pretty decent social life, but last week was a little ridiculous even for me.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVED it, but I probably should have spread it out a bit instead of doing NOTHING the first week back and then stuff EVERY day the following week.  Oh, life!  I best enjoy it while I can because come September, work gets a "little" crazy before normalizing out a bit. During that time, I also celebrated my second anniversary, but we'll give that one it's own post in the near (hopefully) future.

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