Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Successful Week

Be proud of me people, I made it through a WHOLE week (actually OVER a week) without chocolate.  Not bad for a girl with a HUGE sweet tooth.  That included Valentine's Day, a trip to the Cheesecake Factory, a peek in a bakery, M&Ms galore at work, delicious-looking brownies at a going away party this afternoon, and living with my fiance's chocolate chip cookies sitting on the kitchen table (and his Oreo cheesecake glaring at me every time I open the fridge).  I wish I could tell you I've been eating really healthy, but that would be a lie as I made cheesecake brownies last week and had some blondies this week.  Nonetheless, my calorie count has been better than during my "chocolate days."  We'll see how the next month goes...

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