Monday, February 11, 2013

Bye Bye Chocolate???

So I'm contemplating giving up chocolate for Lent.  It's been a while since I've successfully given anything up for lent, but as I'm TRYING to eat healthier, I think this might be a good one to try.  That way I can still have a few sweets, but it will drastically reduce how many I can have.  There's a catch or two though.  I have a wedding to attend at the end of March and if they have wedding cake, I'll want some.  Maybe it won't be chocolate, but if it is, I'm not sure I can pass it up.  I also have the food tasting for our wedding during Lent.  I don't know if there'll be dessert at the food tasting or not, but I kind of want to sample all the stuff so I know what we want, though honestly, I'd pick a white cake over chocolate any day.  I love chocolate, but for some reason, I much prefer white cake to chocolate cake.  So do you think it's awful if I mostly give up chocolate, but allow myself:  wedding chocolates--my friend's cake and the food tasting (and maybe one St. Patrick's Day chocolate ball?).  If the wedding and food tasting don't offer chocolate cake, then I really would only be cheating once.  And I don't really HAVE to have a St. Patrick's Day chocolate.  I just know I'll want one since I'm making them for my annual St. Patrick's Day party.  I'm sure there'll be a blog on here at some point about whether or not I actually go through with this chocolate business.  Wish me good luck if I do!   

1 comment:

jess said...

maybe you could give up chocolates but not chocolate cake?? that way you can still taste the samples for the wedding but wouldn't be cheating?!? :)
i try and give up candy in general every year for lent... it RARELY sticks....