Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Oh What the Heck, Here's Another Wedding Post

So as you may recall, I went shopping with 5 of my 6 bridesmaids back in December.  We (eventually)_ found a dress and life moved on.  If I remember correctly, the dress they tried on in the style we picked was a dark blue (that's what was in stock).  We ordered it in a color called lapis (first time I'd heard that word, maybe I need to get out more).  Anyway, I didn't love that shade of purple.  I really wanted a darker purple (like eggplant or plum), but this dress didn't come in that shade.  Oh, well, such is life.  We'd finally found a dress, I guess I couldn't be picky about colors.  This was more of a medium purple.  Or so I thought.  You see in the catalog they sent me home with, the picture of the lapis dress looked medium purple, but when I went to get a swatch a few weeks ago, it was much darker.  So I was confused.  I know swatches and catalogs aren't always exact matches so after much pondering and confused expressions, I e-mailed the four bridesmaids who I knew had ordered their dresses and asked if I could come see the dress.  Being the nice people they are, two of the girls e-mailed me back quite quickly and I went to see one of them on Friday.  And it is a dark purple.  Yay!  I was so happy.  It ended up being what I wanted.  :-)  The bridesmaid who I visited said she liked the color.  Double yay!  So I guess sometimes some things just work out nicely.  If only all wedding planning could work out so nicely. 

1 comment:

Natalie said...

What an awesome surprise. I love it when stuff works out like that. It's too bad that you had to go through so much time worrying about it not being exactly what you wanted, but I guess in the end you might appreciate it even more.

Can't wait to see them!