Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Last Half Day of Vegan Week

Day 7 of vegan week was a partial vegan day.  To make it a full week, I only had to go vegan for half the day.  So basically my plan was to have a vegan breakfast and lunch, but not dinner.  That turned out to be a good thing since my fiancé and I had a date night planned for that night.  I ordered a salad with chicken on top.  It came with some much missed honey mustard dressing.  I also ate two rolls, with delicious cinnamon butter.  Oh, and before we went out, I had a nice glass of milk.  So while, minus the goat cheese, vegan week was a success, I'd never make it as a real vegan.  I'd miss going out to eat, dairy, and of course my sweets and seafood.  I would however, be willing to do an annual vegan week.   

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I couldn't do vegan, even for a week. Then again, I did say that I could never do grain free, sugar free and dairy free and I've done that for about 8 months. But really, I could never be vegan.