Friday, August 3, 2012

Commentary on the Commentary

So as you read in my last blog post, I like the Olympics, but I do have one little complaint.  What is with some of these commentators, especially the ones who do gymnastics?  I get that they are former gymnasts and know LOADS more about gymnastics than I ever will.  I've never done gymastics and aside from the Olympics I don't really ever pay much attention to the sport (though for not paying much attention, I sure am a sap as I teared up a little the night when Jordyn Wieber didn't make it and again the night when Team USA won). I have friends who used to do gymnastics so I've learned a few things here and there, but not much.  However, that being said, I still get a little annoyed with some of the commentators' commentary.  How can you say someone is awful?  They made it to the OLYMPICS as in best athletes in the world right now.  I can barely walk straight so the fact that someone slips slightly on a balance beam that is not even wide enough to fit your foot completely on or bounces a tad when he/she lands does not seem AWFUL to me.  I'm just so amazed by what these girls and guys can do.  I find myself in awe.  I wonder if they'd call Nadia Comaneci's (sp?) performance just okay, I mean she "only" scored perfect 10s.  And yeah, I get that they're not supposed to slip, bounce, fall, etc, but really can you REALLY say they are awful?

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