Monday, August 6, 2012

Dish Number 4

Be proud of me bloggers, I did another meal instead of a dessert, aww yea.  :)  It was good too, well, in my opinion, but of course I'm biased.  I made Chicken Divan (the main ingredients, but not the only ones being--chicken (duh), broccoli, cheese, and breadcrumbs).  It was good, but since I made the whole recipe and I'm the only one eating it, I fear I may get sick of it before it's all gone.  I've all ready gotten three meals out of it and I can probably easily get another six.  Too bad my fiance doesn't like broccoli, otherwise he could help me eat it.  So anyway, I made it for dinner one night last week.  You cook the chicken ahead of time, then cook the broccoli, put that on the bottom of the pan, chicken on top and then layer the rest of the stuff on top, cook it for 40 minutes and enjoy!  I will confess the chicken was a LITTLE dry, but that might be because I left it in a bit too long the first time I cooked it, otherwise though it was a good meal.  And if you're one of those people that likes to serve a vegetable with your meal, you don't have to worry about that for this one since a big chunk of the meal is broccoli.  So there you go, dish number four.  But don't get too used to these dinner foods because I can tell you right now dish 5 will be a dessert (I all ready made it, hee hee, gives me a head start for when I have a crazy week at work and don't cook a new dish that week).

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