Saturday, August 4, 2012

Size Doesn't Matter...Unless You Want a TV

What is it with men and TVs?  Don't get me wrong, I like tv too.  I'm just not as picky about how big my tv is.  Whoever said size doesn't matter never met a guy who liked to watch tv on a big screen.  When I was a kid, I liked watching tv (still do).  So did my dad (still does).  Unfortunately, at the time, we had one tv in my house.  It was in the family room and if Dad wanted to watch tv he always got priority over me.  Actually, at one point, we had a small black and white tv, but I Think that may have eventually died.  I forget, it's not really relevant to this blog anyway...  So I decided to save my money to buy my own tv.  I saved birthday money, Christmas money, etc and eventually had enough money to buy my own tv (a couple of years later, I saved baby-sitting money and bought a VCR, my how technology has changed).  I was SO excited when I bougt my own (wait for it...) 13 inch tv (do they even still make those any more?).  Now I could watch what I wanted even if my dad was watching tv.  Mind you we didn't have cable at the time so I didn't have tons of options , but I could watch TGIF (remember those shows?) Beverly Hills 90210, A Different World, an assortment of other sitcoms and many other shows over the years.  When I went to college, the tv came with me.  It was with me all four years (including a 4 month stint in Canda).  When I got an apartment while I was in graduate school, the TV came there too (we had a bigger one in the living room, but I still had my little tv in my bedroom).  When I reluctantly moved back home 8 months after graduate school because I finally got a job in my profession, but could not yet afford a house, condo, or apartment, it came back home with me.  In other words, I've had the tv for a long time.  When I bought my current home, I figured a 13 inch tv was a "little" too small to put in my living room, but it would still do in the bedroom.  I didn't bring it over right away because I was taking my time moving in as the place needed some work and I hadn't scheduled the cable guy to come yet.  In the mean time, a friend of mine was trying to get rid of a 27 inch tv and entertainment center.  The entertainment center was NICE.  I loved it.  Now 27 probably seems big to you, but remember I had a 13 inch so 27 was huge lol.  So I bought the entertainment center and tv and eventually got the cable hooked.  Additionally, my boyfriend's (we weren't engaged then) parents were getting a new tv for their bedroom so they gave me their old tv, which I think is 20 something inches, I never measured it, but it's bigger than my 13 incher and smaller than the 27 incher.  So my lil' 13 inch tv stayed at my parents house (where it still is as far as I know).  Life goes on, I get engaged, my fiance starts spending a LOT of time here and really wants a big tv.  Apparently, 27 inches isn't cutting it for him.  So a little over a month ago, he goes out and buys a BIG tv (he wanted to get an even BIGGER tv, but I said no, I don't live in a mansion, we have no room for a 55, 60, 70, or 80 inch tv--um, I didn't even know they had 80 inch tv's until last week).  So he buys this monstrosity (which I guess isn't really a monstrosity, but it seems HUGE to me) and it sits in my guest room/office for over a month until he can find an entertainment center for it.  It's too big for the entertainment center that I LOVED.  His friend coincidentally has one he's trying to get rid of so last week they two them set everything up and now I have a big tv in my home.  I'm getting used to it.  I will confess that when I watched a movie last night, it was kind of nice to see it on a "big" screen.  I still miss my old entertainment center though, it held ALL of my DVDs with room for more as well as board games and photo alburms.  And at Christmas time I could put my Christmas village on it.  I can't complain too much about this TV stand as it was free, but it doesn't hold that many DVDs or many photo albums (I did squeeze the board games in there) and there's no way I can fit my Christmas village on it come December so I'm not sure what I'm going to do then.  But I do believe this is the happiest I've seen my fiance since he got a new job.  Boys and their toys!

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