Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Letters From a Lazy Blogger

Do you ever have days where you feel like you have no motivation to do anything?  I'm feeling that way now, but for no apparent reason.  It's summer, happy time, usually, I am enjoying my afternoons/evenings after work whether it's with friends, a movie, or a good book, but today I just didn't feel like doing much.  Maybe it's the heat, who knows.  Anyway, it was even a struggle coming up with a blog topic today.  I contemplated blogging about not knowing what to blog about, but that might be a bit much so instead here are some letters...

Dear TV Stations,
   Is there any way you could limit political ads to say like one a day?  I'm so sick of them, ugh!

Dear People Who Leave Glass Bottles on the Side of the Road,
   Is that really necessary?  I mean, come on, clean up your mess or go drink at your house/a bar/whatever and leave the bottles there.

Dear Mother Nature,
   I know we haven't spoken in a while, but you have been on the good list this summer.

Dear My Poor Plants,
   I fear for my future children/pets.  If I struggle to keep plants alive, it makes me worry how I'd do with other living things.  My fiance says we need to to better with plants, then get a dog and if that goes well, then have kids.  lol  I think he's saying all this b/c he really wants a dog.  P.S.  How come the plants struggle to grow around here, but weeds come up no problem? 

Dear Channing Tatum,
  I could look at you all day (oops maybe I wasn't supposed to admit it, but saw him on the screen the other day, and darn he looks good).

Dear Summer,
   I repeat you are going by too quickly, please slow down. 

Deart Netflix,
   I am quite impressed with how quickly you sent a replacement DVD for my broken DVD.

Dear Pedometers,  
   Why do you keep freezing, breaking, etc?  Perhaps I should just buy 100 of you at a time. 

Dear Allergies,

Dear Iceland, 
   I am looking forward to visiting you later this year. 

Dear Blog Readers,
  Thanks for reading!  I'll try to find some more energy/motivation tomorrow! 

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Plants don't cry to get your attention. Babies do. You can't ignore a baby like you can a plant. You'll be fine.